Tuesday 28 January 2014


Final Task


What is Collage?

- Combines various materials to create a composition with visual unity.
- Material from scraps of wallpaper to dried flower, magazine, newspaper, and photography are
commonly used.
- But the more creatively use mixed media, the more inventive and intriguing your collage tends to

Research picture from internet

My Final Collage

Real Picture

After Make Collage

Stenciling Art

Task 2

Stenciling Art

What is Stenciling art ?

- Stenciling Art, a technique for reproducing designs by passing ink or paint over holes cut in cardboard or metal onto the surface to be decorated.
- Street Art
- Work individual and group
- Later need to be paint on the wall as one composition with the group.

Research picture of Stenciling art

                                                My Progress in Stenciling Art

Tittle : Bully (Cyber Bully)

Live Tracing

Task 1

Live Tracing

My Progress

Monday 27 January 2014

Final Artwork - Megazine

Final Task

-Create megazine using all task

                                                                FOR PRINT FORMAT

Face Character and Story Line

Task 6

Face Character and Story Line

Giving information

Task 5

Giving information

-Create fonts using Triangle , Square , Circle and Rectangle


Typo Image

Task 4

Typo image

research about typo image

My Progress for typo image



Types Expression

Task 3

Type of  Expression

-Use a simple font to show expression on that words
-At least 5 idea

Logo Type

                                                                          Task 2

                                                                        Logo Type


Task 1

Alphabet A-Z
-Find nature to make an Alphabet

Research from internet


My Progress