Thursday 30 May 2013

Rendering Technique with subject metal

Rendering Technique
                                                       Subject metal

Shading Technique with subject metal

Shading Technique
                                                                   Subject Metal

Cross Hatching with subject metal

Cross Hatching Technique
                                                          Subject Metal

Hatching Technique with subject metal

Hatching Technique
                                                   Subject Metal

Hatching , Cross Hatching , Shading and Rendering technique (From dark to bright)

Perspective 2 point (3D)

                                                      Perspective 2 point (3D)

Perspective 2 point

Perspective 2 point
*Take 20-25 minutes to finish
*Every corner of the picture must be a sketch on the right point

Perspective 1 point

Perspective 1 point
*Take 15-20 minutes to finish depend on our sketch

Blind Contour Drawing

Blind Contour Drawing
*Take 10-15 Minutes to finish
*Blind Contour drawing is a step that we cannot see drawing and must focus to the subject metal without pick up the pen/pencil 
*This step to train our focus is any drawing 

Contour Drawing

Contour Drawing
*Take 5-10 minutes to finish
*We can't pick up pen/pencil while we draw 

Gesture Drawing

Gesture Drawing
* Take 10-15 second to finish 1 sketch
*Gesture drawing is a first step or base step in any drawing